A. The Profile of Modern Teacher

          As one who is preparing to become a modern teacher I need to develop my skills, knowledge, and personality through experience, became capable in teaching to my future students with the help of my classmates and instructors I be able to build my strength through interaction with them, their advices and some strategies from them it will help for my improvement. I must improve also my communication skills so that my learners can understand well the topic. Be friendly and approachable to them so that they can easily talked to me if they need something or asked. Also I must learn how to manage the classroom environment this is important to learners so that they learn comfortable in my class, be understanding, have a sense of humor, be fair, be patient to them and be confident in front of them while discussing and lastly to become a modern teacher I will learn the new strategies in teaching with the use of technology that can help to improve more and understand easier the topic.

B. Change your Words - Change your Mindset

          Don't just say, do it! If its to hard, then keep going this is how you improve yourself. This is how I relate this practice of using the right words to change your mindset in becoming a modern teacher. As a teacher someday I must do everything in order to learn my students well. Search for digital tools, materials, educational resource portals and sites in the web that may help to improve my teaching. If I don't know to use then I will find a way to learn and master it because I know into myself than anyone that if I put an effort in something I will succeed. This is for my improvement and to my future student anything that can help to improve their learning I will do it.


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