ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education

I learn that technology is very useful in our society especially to the students like us, not only for our research in school but also in other people. Technology had a big impact to our society, for example if you have a relatives or love ones in other country it is very easy to contact them unlike then you have to wait how many days for you to receive their mail, also in business it is very useful for promoting your items using social media like Facebook. So as a future educator I must learned and understand on how I will be effective in teaching while using the technology like laptop and projector because it is very useful when you are discussing also in making reports. I felt that as of now my knowledge about using the technology is not enough because of that I need learn or gain more knowledge about it so that in the future I can use it very well in teaching. To become an effective educator I will developed my self to improve my skills in using the technology in teaching. As one of your student I hoped that I can learn more about technology from your class.


ICT Domain
Performance Indicator Most Important for Me to Do
Performance Indicator Least Important for Me to do
Domain 1
Understanding ICT in Education
Discuss national ICT policies affecting classroom practices
Implement ICT policies in
Domain 2
Curriculum and Assessment
Discuss ICT concepts, principles and theories in various teaching-learning processes
Produce digital learning material designed enhance teaching-learning
Domain 3
Assist students to reflect on their own learning using technology tools
Deliver the lesson using appropriate digital tools or applications
Domain 4
Technology Tools
Perform basic trouble shooting and maintenance of technology tools and systems;
Use productivity and other tools in everyday work.
Domain 5
Organization and Administration
Lead group activities using technology tools.
Facilitate flexible learning environment that enhances collaboration with the use of technology tools.
Domain 6
Teacher Professional Learning
Use technology tools to collaborate and share resources among communities of practice
Identify educational sites and portals suitable to their subject area
Domain 7
Teacher Disposition
Utilize smart devices for building the positive relationships between teachers and students.
Discuss safety issues in obtaining resource materials from local area network-based and the internet
